Monday, July 14, 2008

Fear and Desire

There's a Buddhist belief that people are unhappy because they are ruled by fear and desire. Case in point:

I'm on a fiber diet, because my stash has gotten to unmanageable proportions and my beautiful fiber will be reduced to moth food if I don't spin it up as soon as possible. I also need to pay off my credit cards and buy a new bike, so new fiber acquisition is supposed to be a really low priority for the next several months.

Nevertheless, in a moment of weakness I went out to Etsy, which is where my problems usually start, and saw these:

- Silk and flax batt from Crystal Creek Fibers
- Shetland, alpaca, and angora roving from Spiderweb Specialties

...that just grabbed my by the limbic system and shook really hard, screaming, "You want us now! We won't be here when you can afford us!" over and over.

Now, I'm in a semi-foul mood. I should have never opened my web browser this morning.

Classic case of suffering directly caused by fear and desire.

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