Friday, October 10, 2008

Taking a moment

It occurred to me last night that I'm extremely, extremely lucky.

Not just for the usual reasons of having a job and my health and a great family and all that - I'm grateful for that of course.

I was looking at my three wheels and all the spindles I've collected over the past few years, as well as my stunning fiber stash and all my amazing and beautiful fiberart friends and I realized that not everyone has this. I'm so happy I'm friends with all of you guys and I have all this fiberart in my life.



Adrienne Rodriguez said...

AHH ! I'm lucky too to have you as MY friend! You are truly blessed (not to get all religious) but seriously you are one of the coolest people I know -- what a sweet post!

Kristine said...

Kathleen! I love that you are my friend -- and that we can talk, in our own special language, about fiber and yarn!

Brooke said...

I feel lucky to be your friend too! Looking forward to seeing you very soon!

Anonymous said...

Awww! Love having you as a friend!

WonderMike said...

Awwww, Honey!! I hope I'm part of that group. I consider myself very, very lucky to have you in my life. Fiber Sister, indeed!